F1 Front Wing Fernando Alonso Renault RS27 HiFi

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F1 Front Wing Fernando Alonso Renault RS27 HiFi-jpeg

F1 Front Wing Fernando Alonso Renault RS27, the BEO BT System, has been placed in the front center of the Wing. The part is original and used in race. The Hydraulic system to regulate the side wing is visible.. from center and 2 sides. *

Dimensions: W 180 D 40 H 25 Weigth 15 kg.

Model  GURU 7

Flux deviators for each side, with alloy protection. The Part has been used in official race is not a prototype!

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Project to do

Other System to be completed . Many parts have to be completed with Wireless Speakers also according to specification. With or Without Plexiglas- Metal Stand, or Box. From a Minimalist Wheel NUT…. To F1 Air box Engines, F1 Mechanical parts, Front and Rear WINGS, Helmets, Engine Covers, Body parts, Mechanical parts, as:

F1 CARBON FIBER WHEEL COVERS, SPINNER or FIRINGS…Introduced in 2009, banned in 2010 for reducing the overtaking chances also with hi-fi speakers.

LOTUS RENAULT 2014 Driver Pastor Maldonado, race nose used in several races…

The very EXTREME double noose, made sensation al Jerez January 2014 Test. The noose has been kept along all the year, and changed in 2015 due to new rules and dimension. VERY RARE PART TO COLLECT

FERRARI 2003 GA M. Scumacher Car Fantastic memories


This is an the original left Side from which we can made an HIFI system.

Carbon Fiber Exaust Protection and RB Airbox

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Speaker can be positioned vertical or flat

F1 front Wheel KIMI RAIKONEN used in test in Jerez

F1 FERRARI 5 in One

SCHUMY HELMET GP USA (as respect on the TWIN TOWERS  Attack) with USA FLAG

The replica helmet can be fitted with a BEO BT System and stand. Plexiglas cover dust and stand by Diddi.

SKELETON COCKPIT Structure to keep multiple memorabilia. As been created by me. Can be completed also with Steering Wheel Amalgam 1-1 Ferrari 2004 MS , or neck protector or Race Suit, Racing 5 Points BELTS and one Helmet with Stereo Speakers B&O

The foldable Cockpit can be dismantled and taken away easily.

The UNIQUE Seat of Schummy GP Silverstone 1999 CRASH, and the camera, mounted in the car…

The part has rested proudly in my office since then. Now is still exposed as piece of art!

Actually the race car camera is on a Display of Plexiglas…

HUGE 1-5 scale Model by BELL Helmets
197-200 Ferrari 2003 GA Schumacher.

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Chineese RED laque hand made Box..

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Rear Crash Gearbox

Swush Air Deflector

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